Criminal law
Criminal law is an unprecedented area that deals with this type of culpability. It is a criminal offence to disobey a lawful order or control issued by the state legislature or any political or religious authority with sufficient sway over the administration of state affairs. For this reason, the state still plays the role of investigator for the accused. Criminal law’s overarching goal is to limit the power of the state to intervene in any way, shape, or form, regardless of the nature of the alleged wrongdoing. By law, citizens are forbidden to engage in any conduct or exercise any authority that undermines the authority of the state.
Pakistan has an extensive criminal law, which despite its age covers most if not all possible offences. Understanding the criminal law of Pakistan requires familiarity with the rich social and cultural history of the country. Many of Pakistan’s criminal statutes date back to the colonial era, when the country was annexed to India and both were under British rule. Later, however, social context awareness prompted an attempt to tailor the criminal code to the country’s traditions and customs.